The Rubin Lab
Who We Are
Joe Rubin - Group Leader

Associate Professor - Veterinary Microbiology
DVM, University of Saskatchewan
Ph.D. (Bacteriology), University of Saskatchewan
Postdoc (Swine infectious diseases), University of Saskatchewan
Postdoc (Broad spectrum β-lactamases), Calgary Laboratory Services
I am a veterinarian and microbiologist proud to lead a great research group dedicated to exploring the world of antimicrobial resistance. I completed my DVM at the University of Saskatchewan, and am a proud member of the WCVM class of 2007. Following vet school, I did my Ph.D. in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology working on methicillin resistant staphylococci in dogs and people. I began my faculty appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology in 2012. Since July 1, 2018 I have been an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department Graduate program.
Michelle Sniatynski - Laboratory Manager/Tech

Research Technican and Laboratory Manager
Michelle received her undergraduate degree from Trent University in Forensic Science (2010), and an advanced Biotechnology diploma from Sir Sandford Fleming College in 2013. She completed an externship at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO-InterVac) in vaccine creation using isolated proteins from bacteria. From there, she worked at the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) for two years in livestock and agricultural genetics, mass production of bacterial vaccinations and environmental organic chemistry laboratories. Since joining the Rubin laboratory as lab manager in the fall of 2014, Michelle’s focus has been assisting graduate student programs and various research projects, such as antimicrobial resistance surveillance in wild birds, canine UTIs, muskox and caribou.
Graduate Students
Olivier Campbell
Roshan Priyantha
PhD Student
Ruwini Gamage
PhD Student
Kazal Ghosh
MSc Student
Visit Kazal's homepage here

Beverly Morrison
DVM - MSc Student

Rachel Courtice
Dongyun Jung
DVM - MSc Student
MSc Student
Olivier Campbell
The Lab Group

Back - Cayla, Bev, Alix, Michelle, Rachel Front - Dongyun, Joe, Moses Missing - Ruwini

Ruwini Gamage, Beverly Morrison, Rachel Courtice, Yenuki Rajapaksha, Kazal Ghosh, Michelle Sniatynski, Joe Rubin, Roshan Priyantha and Dongyun Jung

Back - Rachel Courtice, Kazal Ghosh, Beverly Morrison, Roshan Priyantha, Ruwini Gamage Front - Joe Rubin, Michelle Sniatynski

Back - Roshan Priyantha, Joe Rubin, Rachel Courtice, Valerie Baede, Kazal Ghosh Front - Beverly Morrison, Michelle Sniatynski, Mary Timonin

Our inaugural lab group picture! From left to right - Roshan Priyantha, Ruwini Gamage, Megan McCallum, Beverly Morrison, Joe Rubin, Michelle Sniatynski, Samantha Ekanayake
Hall of Fame

Valerie Baede
Summer Student, 2015
Megan McCallum
Summer Student and MPH Practicum Student 2014-2015
Cherise Hedlin
Research Technician
Samantha Ekanayake
Research Technician 2014