Superbugs in canine urine?
Congratulations to Rachel on her first paper! Her brief communication entitled: "Antimicrobial resistance and beta-lactamase production...

An exploration of, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, a canine zoonoses
In collaboration with physician scientists at the University of Calgary (Drs. Deirdre Church and Ranjani Somayaji), members of...

TheRubinLab.com debuts at C-EBLIP 2016
TheRubinLab.com officially debuts at the Centre for Evidence Based Library & Information Practice 2016 fall symposium! Building the...

Ruwini Gamage presents at spirochete conference in Germany
Ruwini Gamage representing the Rubin lab at the 7th International Conference on Colonic Spirochaetal Infections in Humans and Animals in...

Roshan completes another batch of genomes!
Congratulations to Roshan on sequencing another 17 S. pseudintermedius genomes! This work is part of a larger project that Roshan has...