Do Chickens in Small Flocks Harbour Superbugs?
I’m pleased to announce the first paper to come out of a collaborative project between theRubinlab and researchers at the University of...

Improving the Field Of Brachyspira Diagnostics
Congratulations to Ruwini on her review article and first manuscript to come out of her Ph.D! Her manuscript entitled "A review of the...

Lack of Superbugs in Sable Island Horses
Congratulations to Mary on her paper! Her manuscript entitled “A survey of the antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolated...

Superbugs in canine urine?
Congratulations to Rachel on her first paper! Her brief communication entitled: "Antimicrobial resistance and beta-lactamase production...

An exploration of, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, a canine zoonoses
In collaboration with physician scientists at the University of Calgary (Drs. Deirdre Church and Ranjani Somayaji), members of...