Rachel Defends Her MSc
Congratulations to Rachel Courtice on her defense! Rachel's graduate research focused on the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in E....

Dongyun's Research Highlighted in Star Phoenix
In today's issue of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Drongyun Jung's (recent Rubin lab MSc graduate) research was highlighted in an article in...

Congratulations Kazal - theRubinlab's First Alum!
Congratulations to Kazal for successfully defending his MSc thesis entitled "Antimicrobial resistance and molecular characterization of...

Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha, 2017 Rubin Lab Summer Student
Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha who's joined the Rubin lab as a summer student! Yenuki has recently completed her 3rd year in the...

The Emergence of Superbugs in Canine Urine
Thanks to the support of Genome Prairie, Joe had the opportunity to attend the Plant and Animal Genome conference in sunny San Diego. It...

Lack of Superbugs in Sable Island Horses
Congratulations to Mary on her paper! Her manuscript entitled “A survey of the antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolated...