Bev Defends Her Thesis!
Congratulations Bev on the defense of your thesis! Bev joined theRubinlab as a summer student in 2014, and went on to become the first...

Gearing Up For Poster Season!
The WCVM poster day is always a great place to get practice presenting and suggestions before debuting results for the world at a...

Do Chickens in Small Flocks Harbour Superbugs?
I’m pleased to announce the first paper to come out of a collaborative project between theRubinlab and researchers at the University of...

Congratulations Kazal - theRubinlab's First Alum!
Congratulations to Kazal for successfully defending his MSc thesis entitled "Antimicrobial resistance and molecular characterization of...

Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha, 2017 Rubin Lab Summer Student
Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha who's joined the Rubin lab as a summer student! Yenuki has recently completed her 3rd year in the...

Poster Season is Upon Us!
Poster season is certainly upon us and RubinLab members have been busy sharing the results of their investigations with the world. First...

Lack of Superbugs in Sable Island Horses
Congratulations to Mary on her paper! Her manuscript entitled “A survey of the antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolated...

Superbugs in canine urine?
Congratulations to Rachel on her first paper! Her brief communication entitled: "Antimicrobial resistance and beta-lactamase production...