Rachel Defends Her MSc
Congratulations to Rachel Courtice on her defense! Rachel's graduate research focused on the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in E....

Are Therapy Dogs a Zoonotic Risk?
As the human animal bond is increasingly recognized to contribute to people’s wellbeing, the therapeutic role of companion animals is...

Summer Students - Class of 2018
It’s that time of the year again when we welcome eager summer students into the lab to try their hand at a research project. This year,...

Welcome to a Visiting Student
I’m pleased to welcome Moses Ikechukwu as a visiting student to the RubinLab and Department of Veterinary Microbiology for the next 6...

Zoonotic Risks and Therapy Dogs
It was a pleasure to speak at a community discussion about the benefits (and some risks) associated with animal assisted interventions...

Roshan Defends his PhD
Congratulations to Roshan Priyantha for successfully defending his PhD! Roshan was a founding member of theRubinlab, joining in September...

Fosfomycin Resistance in Canine Uropathogens?
This week, Rachel had the chance to present her research entitled: “Fosfomycin Resistant Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus...

Poster Season is Upon Us!
Poster season is certainly upon us and RubinLab members have been busy sharing the results of their investigations with the world. First...

Sharing Our Findings With the Public
I am pleased to announce yet another publication describing human Staphylococcus pseudintermedius to come out of our collaboration with...

An exploration of, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, a canine zoonoses
In collaboration with physician scientists at the University of Calgary (Drs. Deirdre Church and Ranjani Somayaji), members of...