Engaging the Public with Plate Art
Who says Microbiology is boring? The RubinLab’s own Dongyun Jung has put together some plate art for display at Vetavision 2017, the...

Is Parvoviral Diarrhea all About Parvo?
Last week, Dr. M. Casey Gaunt and I had the opportunity to present the results of a long running study aiming to describe co-infections...

Do Chickens in Small Flocks Harbour Superbugs?
I’m pleased to announce the first paper to come out of a collaborative project between theRubinlab and researchers at the University of...
TheRubinLab Reserch Program Featured by Companion Animal Health Fund
TheRubinLab has been lucky to secure funding from the Companion Animal Health Fund to support our efforts to investigate anitmicrobial...

Congratulations Kazal - theRubinlab's First Alum!
Congratulations to Kazal for successfully defending his MSc thesis entitled "Antimicrobial resistance and molecular characterization of...

Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha, 2017 Rubin Lab Summer Student
Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha who's joined the Rubin lab as a summer student! Yenuki has recently completed her 3rd year in the...

Fosfomycin Resistance in Canine Uropathogens?
This week, Rachel had the chance to present her research entitled: “Fosfomycin Resistant Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus...

Time to get plating!
Thanks to Dr. Andrew VanKessel in the Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences at the U of S for generously providing TheRubinLab access...

Improving the Field Of Brachyspira Diagnostics
Congratulations to Ruwini on her review article and first manuscript to come out of her Ph.D! Her manuscript entitled "A review of the...

Poster Season is Upon Us!
Poster season is certainly upon us and RubinLab members have been busy sharing the results of their investigations with the world. First...