Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha, 2017 Rubin Lab Summer Student

Welcome to Yenuki Rajapaksha who's joined the Rubin lab as a summer student! Yenuki has recently completed her 3rd year in the Pharmacology and Physiology program at the U of S. This summer Yenuki will be working to identifying and characterize extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli in two projects targeting 1. wild crows from the Saskatoon region and 2. dogs with cancer. These studies are collaborative projects with Drs. Dennilyn Parker (wildlife and exotics specialist) and Val MacDonald-Dickinson (small animal oncologist).
Yenuki's work will build upon previous Rubin lab investigations targeting E. coli from wild birds and dogs in Saskatoon, and add to our understanding of the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in this important potential pathogen.